Thursday, October 23, 2014

Visit from Harold and the Life Education Van!

This term we were all lucky enough to visit the Life Ed van! Each year level learnt about something slightly different. Tell us what you learnt about and what your favourite part was. I know my favourite part was seeing Harold!!


  1. I really liked seeing Harold. I liked learning about the medicine. It was really funny when the lady asked Harold if he picked up all his banana peels, if he had left 1 on the ground and Harold said no. In the end Harold slipped on a banana peel. I also liked watching the TV and making the lights turn of. Seeing Harold was amazing. I hope to see Harold next year.

  2. At the life Ed van we were learning about medicine. We were helping Harold because he was going to the chemist so he was nervous so we helped him out.

  3. At the life Ed van we helped Harold because he was going to his aunts chemist he was nervous to go to his aunts chemist so we helped Harold with some suggestions to help him

  4. At the life Ed van we saw Harold. Harold was very funny.

  5. I liked leaning about medicines and seeing Harold.

  6. My favourite part of being in the Life Ed van was learning about the different medicines and what they are useful for. I also learnt how to take the different medicines and we also played some games about medicine.

  7. My favourite part of the Life Ed van was seeing Harold!
    I also liked learning about the different types of medicine and how you take them. I hope the life Ed van will come back next year!

  8. My favourite part of the life Ed van was when we watched some videos. They were very funny. But it was hilarious when we asked Harold if he had left a banana peel on the stairs, he said no... afterwards he tripped over a few. Poor Harold.

  9. Harold was awesome it was super fun I learnt about medicine

  10. I learned about feelings

  11. I learned about medicine and not to take it with out an adult

  12. I really liked seeing Harold we learnt lots about medicine
    and how to take it
